Exploring Programs and Initiatives for People with Disabilities in Los Angeles County

Explore the programs and initiatives created by the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) to support people with disabilities living in Los Angeles County.

Exploring Programs and Initiatives for People with Disabilities in Los Angeles County

The Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) is devoted to providing a better life for all residents, including those with special needs or disabilities. To this end, the LACDA has created a variety of programs and initiatives to support people with disabilities living in Los Angeles County. The LACDA operates the Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center, an online housing database that allows people with physical disabilities to find affordable rental housing with accessibility features. This resource is invaluable for those seeking to locate suitable housing in the area.

The LACDA has also developed affordable housing units for young people who were adopted into foster homes throughout Los Angeles County. This initiative provides emancipated foster youth with the opportunity to achieve personal success. In addition, the LACDA has partnered with the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) to support efforts to increase hiring opportunities for diverse small businesses. This collaboration is part of the Office of Small Business (OSB) program, which seeks to create more job opportunities for those living in Los Angeles County.

The Long Beach Beauties is another program that provides animation activities for children and young adults with different abilities aged eight years or older from all Los Angeles and Orange counties. This program is designed to help these individuals develop their skills and gain confidence in their abilities. The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) is also unique among transportation agencies in the country. Metro offers a range of services and programs to support people with disabilities, including accessible buses and trains, paratransit services, and more.

Finally, the Los Angeles County Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) and its Economic and Workforce Development Branch have reopened their 19 California Work Center (AJCC) systems in Los Angeles County. This registry provides job seekers with support services, business services, support for older adults, and more.

Nanette Rutecki
Nanette Rutecki

Evil food enthusiast. Friendly zombie fanatic. Pop culture nerd. Amateur food maven. Avid creator. Certified beer junkie.