How Many People in Los Angeles Make Over 100K? A Comprehensive Look

In 2019 there were 210,615 households with incomes of $100,000 to $149,999 in Los Angeles County. This article looks at how many people make over 100K and other factors that can affect an individual's income level.

How Many People in Los Angeles Make Over 100K? A Comprehensive Look

In 2019, there were 210,615 households in Los Angeles County, California, with incomes of $100,000 to $149,999. The most popular majors in Los Angeles County were Liberal Arts (26%), Science (13.9%), General Business Administration (7.79%), and General Psychology (3.71%). The following map shows all districts in Los Angeles County, colored by their median household income. The chart below displays households in Los Angeles County, distributed among a number of income groups compared to the national averages for each group. It also illustrates the percentage of people who own cars in Los Angeles County compared to the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household.

Primary care physicians in Los Angeles County care for 1363 patients per year on average. The table below shows how the percentage of uninsured people in Los Angeles County changed over time compared to the percentage of people enrolled in various types of health insurance. It also shows the percentage of homeownership in Los Angeles County compared to its main and neighboring geographies. The most common work groups in Los Angeles County are office administrative support occupations (578,790 people), sales-related occupations (492,743 people), and management occupations (490,085 people).

The table below shows the 7 races represented in Los Angeles County as a proportion of the total population. The largest universities in Los Angeles County by number of degrees awarded are the University of Southern California (18,537 and 9.31%), the University of California-Los Angeles (14,523 and 7.29%) and the California State University in Long Beach (10,939 and 5.49%). The most common employment sectors for those living in Los Angeles County are social assistance (26%), health care (626,630 people), retail (492,597 people), and manufacturing (442,908 people).So how many people in Los Angeles make over 100K? According to the data provided above, there were 210,615 households with incomes of $100,000 to $149,999 in 2019. This means that there were at least 210,615 individuals making over 100K that year. However, this number does not take into account individuals who make more than $150K or those who make less than $100K but are part of a household that makes more than $100K. It is also important to note that this data does not take into account other factors such as education level or occupation type which can have a significant impact on an individual's income level.

For example, those with higher levels of education or those working in higher paying fields such as finance or technology are likely to make more than those without a college degree or working in lower paying fields such as retail or hospitality. In conclusion, while we can estimate that there were at least 210,615 individuals making over 100K in 2019 based on the data provided above, this number does not take into account other factors which can have an impact on an individual's income level.

Nanette Rutecki
Nanette Rutecki

Evil food enthusiast. Friendly zombie fanatic. Pop culture nerd. Amateur food maven. Avid creator. Certified beer junkie.