Income Demographics of Los Angeles County: A Comprehensive Overview

The population of Los Angeles County is incredibly diverse and varied. This article provides an overview of income demographics in LA county including car ownership rates, college graduation rates, employment sectors and more.

Income Demographics of Los Angeles County: A Comprehensive Overview

The population of Los Angeles County, California, is incredibly diverse and varied. The table below shows the percentages of U. S. citizens in the county compared to its neighboring and parent geographies.

Car ownership in Los Angeles County is roughly the same as the national average, with an average of two cars per household. The table also reveals the seven races represented in Los Angeles County as a proportion of the total population. This visualization illustrates the percentage of students who graduate with a bachelor's degree in schools in Los Angeles County, California, by specialty. The chart below displays households in Los Angeles County, California, distributed among a number of car ownership groups compared to the national averages for each group.

The largest universities in Los Angeles County (California), by number of degrees awarded are the University of Southern California (18,537 and 9.31%), the University of California-Los Angeles (11,066 (14,523 and 7.29%) and the California State University in Long Beach (10,939 and 5.49%). Primary care physicians in Los Angeles County (California) care for 1363 patients per year on average. The chart below shows households in Los Angeles County, California, distributed among a number of income groups compared to the national averages for each group. None of the households in Los Angeles County reported that their primary shared language was speaking a language other than English at home. The following map illustrates all districts in Los Angeles County, California, colored by their median household income (total).

The most common employment sectors for those living in Los Angeles County are social assistance (26%), health care (626,630 people), retail (492,597 people), and manufacturing (442,908 people).The most popular majors in Los Angeles County, California, are Liberal Arts & Science (27,673 and 13.9%), General Business Administration & Administration (15,518 and 7.79%), and General Psychology (7,383 and 3.71%). The table below shows how the percentage of uninsured people in Los Angeles County changed over time compared to the percentage of people enrolled in various types of health insurance. In conclusion, Los Angeles County is an incredibly diverse area with a wide range of incomes and demographics. It has a high rate of car ownership and a large number of college graduates. It also has a large number of people employed in social assistance, health care, retail and manufacturing sectors.

Nanette Rutecki
Nanette Rutecki

Evil food enthusiast. Friendly zombie fanatic. Pop culture nerd. Amateur food maven. Avid creator. Certified beer junkie.